Pastor Mark Reynolds' Podcast

Episode 288: Everything Happens For a Reason? (Half Truths: Message 1 of 5)



They are simple phrases that sound Christian―like something you might find in the Bible. They capture some element of truth but hide or distort others.Everything happens for a reason.God helps those who help themselves.God won’t give you more than you can handle.God said it, I believe it, that settles it.Love the sinner, hate the sin.In this message, we begin a new 5-week series, "Half Truths," where we will examine these common phrases within the context of scripture, starting with "Everything Happens For a Reason."Resource: Adam Hamilton, "Half Truths."If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: