Kinsman Podcast

Epi. 105 - Demonic Spirit Cast Out - Are you in need of deliverance ?



This Episode is also on YouTube at Kinsman Podcast #love #jesus #god Demons under the conducts and influence of their master, The Acuser of Mankind (the devil satan)-the defeated foe; roams around like a roaring lion seeking ignorant souls to devour. Fully Acknowledging the works of faith in Jesus Christ as manifested in the Man of GOD, the Late Prophet TB Joshua/SCOAN/ Team, May the Prophet of GOD rest in peace under GOD's Grace, but his Legacy in Jesus Christ the LORD, lives on. Sharing to the GLORY of GOD in JESUS CHRIST my LORD and SAVIOR and for the Salvation of more souls. - Winning souls for Jesus, Subscribe, Like and Share by FAITH. #inspire, #encourage, #empower, #Jesus, #Encouragement, #Inspirational, #FAITH, #Eternity, #Christianvideo, #Hope, #GOD, #ELOHIM, #LandoftheLiving, #REPENT, #BeBornAgain, #believetheGospel, #Gospel, #GoodNews, #Love, #RedeemingtheTime, #EndTimes, #inspirations _____________________________ Welcome to Kinsman Podcast SUBSCRIBE and Stay Connected in FAITH. Do
