Spielbergpod - The Steven Spielberg Film Podcast

BONUS EP – Solo: A Star Wars Story



Okay, when I open this episode with "Recorded a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" it turns out I'm a 1000% correct as this episode- where Paul, Kieran and I discuss Ron Howard's 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'- was recorded allllllllll the way back in May 2020. Yep, this was one of our early pandemic recordings, recorded during the very first lockdown. So expect a couple of references (both Star Wars and otherwise) to be more than a little dated, but it's a fun conversation between three Star Wars fans who have lots of thoughts on this movie. Oh, and 'the sister podcast' mentioned early on- Easy Riders Raging Podcast- is now (in 2023) on it's 4th series, where we are talking about 1980s films, TV and music videos. Obviously our 1950s run is still available from all good podcast places.