Franchise Today

Re-Bath is Crushing It: CEO Brad Hillier Tells Us Why!



Brad Hillier, CEO of Re-Bath, who has successfully prioritized strategies to energize frontline workers and generate impressive results.Brad emphasizes that while digital technologies are essential, authentic human connection and 'real' experiences play a crucial role in making brands great. He has identified several best practices that have proven effective in energizing frontline workers: Cultivate a Culture of Appreciation: Recognize and appreciate frontline workers for their invaluable contributions. Implementi employee recognition programs, foster a culture of appreciation, and celebrate individual and team achievements, organizations can boost morale, job satisfaction, and overall productivity.Empower with Autonomy: Grant autonomy and decision-making power to frontline workers enabling them to take ownership of their work and make meaningful contributions. Allow employees to leverage their firsthand knowledge and expertise, fostering innovation, problem-solving capabilities, and increasing engagement.Pr