Sanshin Zen Community's Podcast

The bankruptcy of self-power



This talk continues Shohaku Okumura Roshi’s commentary on the modern classic Opening The Hand of Thought written by his teacher Kosho Uchiyama Roshi. (Section 4, p.66).Okumura Roshi continues the theme of his previous talk, offering a description and examples of “self-power” and “other power” in both Pure Land Buddhism and Zen. There is no separation between self-power and other power; other power includes self-power. Yet the individual determination or personal ability of self-power cannot reach the deeper power; we need to awaken to the larger context, the interconnectedness of self and other beings, in which we are living as an individual.This talk was originally given at Sanshinji in Bloomington, IN on November 28, 2010.Please consider supporting Okumura Roshi's teachings and the activities of Sanshin Zen Community by making a contribution on this podcast's page, at Sanshin's home page, or at The Dōgen Institute website.