Chats With Gigi

How to Get the Hell Out of Debt feat. Erin Skye Kelly



What comes to your mind when you hear the word, “money”? How about…”debt”?Today, we’re going to talk about debt, and how to get the hell out of it. Whether you’re working full-time as an entrepreneur or from the corporate world, debt plays a role in your ability to succeed. It's an important topic to talk about and tackle but we often shy away from it cause - lets get real - debt sucks and thinking about it is definitely triggering. Erin Skye Kelly, is a total boss babe, she’s bringing actionable steps to Get the Hell out of Debt. She is a bestselling and award-winning author, keynote speaker, podcast host and entrepreneur. Her new book launched on July 20, 2021. “Get the Hell Out of Debt'' teaches financial literacy in a way that is approachable, entertaining and inspiring. Erin’s resources have helped thousands of people pay off millions of dollars in personal debt, and are inspired by her deeply personal journey of regaining financial freedom. Though she is the former owner of a mortgage brokerage, Erin fo