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Ep. 38 | “Flight School” with Florian Kuplent | Brewmaster at Urban Chestnut Brewing Co. | Live from St. Louis, MO



Florian Kuplent has one of the most diverse backgrounds in brewing you’ll find in today’s craft beer industry. Originally from Germany where he worked in breweries across Bavaria, Belgium, and England, Florian is now Co-Founder and Brewmaster at St. Louis’ Urban Chestnut Brewing Co. Urban Chestnut brews under their unique philosophy of “Beer Divergency,” creating a lineup of beers that pay homage to old-world brewing techniques and styles (their “Reverence Series” of beers), as well as giving them license to experiment with new ingredients and flavors (their “Revolution Series”). In this episode, we dive into a mixed lineup of classic lagers and new-age brews, while Florian takes us through the history of Urban Chestnut and his own brewing career. And yes, that does include a discussion about the STL-based macrobrew behemoth: Anheuser-Busch. Prost! After you listen, make sure to head over to to leave a comment and sign-up for the monthly “Brewsletter.” Cheers!