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GABF 2018 “Half Pint” | Seek the Independent Craft Brewer Seal | Julia Herz, Brewers Association



Did you know that 98 percent of today’s 6,000+ (and counting) U.S. breweries are independent, but make up only 13 percent of the beer market by volume? Most don’t. But with the recently-introduced Independent Craft Brewer Seal, folks like Julia Herz are helping you know when you’re drinking a true craft beer.  Julia is the Craft Beer Program Director for the Brewers Association, and a driving force behind their “That’s Independence You’re Tasting” campaign. As large macrobreweries continue to buy up small, independent breweries, it’s becoming increasingly harder to tell when you’re drinking a craft beer, or a simply something that simply looks like a craft brew. In this final episode from the 2018 Great American Beer Festival, Julia shares all the details behind the seal, what it stands for, and why it’s more important than ever for beer drinkers to #SeekTheSeal and support independent craft breweries. After you listen, make sure to head over to to leave a comment and sign-up for the mont