Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

#81 Reclaiming your sensuality and feeling safer S3xually



"It's such a taboo still nowadays topic in our society, that we don't have the proper education and initiations and guidance into sacred, safe sexuality. Sexuality that's actually pleasure-lead, and not goal-oriented. So when we start having these conversations, it is really important that you ask yourself; if you want to really create a container where your sensual self can come online.. where you can fully allow all of you - the present, expanded, feeling version of you - to be present.. then what do you need?" In this solo episode, I dive into:Sensuality isn't linked to sexuality (2:21)What sensuality really is and how it can transform your life and relationships from the inside out + practices to get started (5:48)Do THIS to connect deeper with your own version of sensuality (11:47)Building true, deep intimacy (13:01)How to + why commit to your pleasure (22:01) Tune in to this episode and start your journey of reconnection with your sensual self, leading to a more vibrant, pleasure-filled, and empowered l