Dr. Friedemann Schaub

How To Face And Not Fear Your Intrusive Thoughts | ES166



Do you deal with intrusive thoughts seemingly appearing out of nowhere and disrupting your peace of mind? These thoughts can be unsettling, ranging from disturbing images to irrational ideas, leaving you questioning their origin and impact on your mental well-being. You may prepare dinner or sit in the office when suddenly your mind conjures a scary image or crazy idea that leaves you wondering about what just happened. Sometimes you can shrug these thoughts off as misfiring of your brain. But other times, you may feel bombarded by such a barrage of similar ideas that you start to be concerned about whether you are losing your mind.Here are some facts about intrusive thoughts to help you feel less afraid and more empowered when dealing with them.Intrusive thoughts are common and do not indicate that there is anything wrong with you. Research suggests that approximately 90% of individuals experience unwanted thoughts regularly. Intrusive thoughts are also not truthtellers or reflections of your character. They