Packers Talk

Packers Therapy #373 - Packers Don't Just Beat Bears: They Wrecked 'em



Chris and Dave (probably) talk about the Packers on Sunday night, and how making an embarrassment of the Bears in prime time is always satisfying. They usually also talk about Rodgers and most definitely welcomed Trubisky back to the field. Normally, they make a joke about Dave's colonoscopy, but I think by this time it would have been performed, so they will likely go into graphic detail about that, too. I (producer Nick) didn't actually listen to the podcast before shipping it this week, so these are all my assumptions. If anyone actually reads these descriptions, put "Nick deserves to get fired" at the end of your betting lines for a bonus point Patreon: PayPal: Posting its first show in 2005, Packers Therapy is the longest-running Packers podcast on the Internet. Hosts Chris and Dave began the show as a way of capturing the spirited chats the two co-workers had about the team around the office. The two have no pretense about being e