Sacred Emergence Podcast with Michelle Wong

#141: Race literacy, White supremacy, and menstrual cycle syncing w/ Alyssa Johnson, Esq.



In this episode, I interview returning guest, Alyssa Johnson, Esq where we talk about: Race literacy, race-based trauma, why Alyssa focuses on talking about White supremacy and less about White patriarchy, and also, menstrual cycle syncing. The link between well-being and healing race-based trauma- How not addressing our race-based trauma leaves us in an unintegrated state because we're not looking at part of our wounding. The differences between Alyssa's journey of healing childhood trauma (where she's the survivor) versus healing race-based trauma (where she's the oppressor/abuser). Resources mentioned: Link to Alyssa's 1st interview on this podcast: Episode #122: A Conversation on well-being, mental health, and racism w/ Alyssa Johnson The Opt-In organization: Milagros Phillips' book: Cracking the Healer's Code: A Prescription for Healing Racism and Finding Wholeness 4. Website: Http:// 5. Instagram: Http://www.ins