Mindful Medicine

Find Clarity and Calmness Through Mindful Music



Much like we need to go to the gym and eat well to maintain healthy bodies, we need to work on keeping our minds healthy through mindful practices. Because we’re living in a more fast-paced, secular society than ever before, we lack rituals that are focused on the mind and soul. But, by creating rituals that revolve around music, we can become more mindful and find clarity. Mindful musician Murray Hidary has created Mind Travel, live music performances -- often out in nature -- that allow listeners to shift their perception of time and get lost in a slow, contemplative state. The music is meant to relax listeners and create a sense of community. When concert goers listen to music together, their brain waves operate on the same frequency, bringing audience members together for a shared experience. Listen as Murray joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss mindful music.