Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - March 1, 2017



To paraphrase the late Irish poet Seamus Heaney, there are some songs that leave you with a sensation that you have been visited. Glorious exultations, they overwhelm us with transcendent beauty. This is how Jim Sullivan describes the classic traditional Irish folk songs on his brand new album, Catch the Heart Off Guard. Backed up by friends and bandmates, Jimmy Moore, Gerry Field and Matt O'Connor, Jim sings some songs and tells the stories behind them this week on Windy City Irish Radio. If that is not enough, Tim and Mike welcome fiddle sensation Winifred Horan from the band Solas in to preview their big concert this Saturday night at the Irish American Heritage Center. It's truly a JAM-PACKED hour of quality Irish entertainment! Tune in to WSBC 1240 AM every Wednesday from 8PM - 9PM and check out this week's podcast at