Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - January 30, 2019



Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor extremely frigid temperatures of night stays these radio hosts from the swift completion of their appointed beloved Windy City Irish Radio.  Despite -30 degree temperature and nearly -60 degree wind chills, Tim and Mike brave the Polar Vortex because the show must go on!  So, pour your favorite beverage and put a little more turf on the fire and cozy up for another episode of Windy City Irish Radio.  This week Mike and Tim feature cuts from The Chieftans with Del McCoury Band, Gaelic Storm, The Byrne Brothers, The Prodigals, Cuig, Back West, Scythian, Socks in the Frying Pan, The Outside Track, High Time and in honor of the Feast of St. Bridget, featuring Maire Brennan.  Stay inside, stay warm and stay tuned to Windy City Irish Radio and catch this week's podcast at