Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - October 4, 2020



With the Autumnal season firmly entrenched in the Midwest and, of course, in the Windy City Irish Radio studios, that translates to Fall-ish and Autumny songs!  This week on Windy City Irish Radio we have new music, some old classics and a couple of tributes to those iconic artists of the 70's who recently left us.  We'll be featuring music from the Saw Doctors celebrating the 30 year anniversary of their number one hit, I Useta Lover, new music from We Banjo 3, Emma Langford, MACA, and classics from The Elders, James Taylor, U2, Slide, Skipinnish, Ed Sheeran, Willie Nelson and tributes to the great Helen Reddy, Mac Davis and John Lennon.  All that music jam packed into 60 minutes of Windy City Irish Radio.  Tune in on Sunday afternoon's at 12 noon on 750 AM WNDZ or on our podcast at  And drop us a note and let us know what you think at