Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - December 5, 2021



As we roll through the holiday season, it's starting to feel a lot like Christmas with the gift of new music and the gift of Christmas music.  This week it's a mix of the new and the classic with music from Seamie O'Dowd, Brid O'Riordan, John Doyle and Cillian Vallelly, Lee Hayes, Jason McAllister, Murphy's Lawyer, Eammon Flynn, Niamh Regan, Al Walser, Aoife Scott, Ashley Davis, Tara O'Grady, Brendan Monaghan, and Becky Dellow.  Get in the holiday spirit on Windy City Irish Radio each and every Sunday afternoon from 12 noon to 1pm on WNDZ 750 AM or live streamed on Global Irish Radio at or check out our podcasts on