Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

You Are A Failure, And Other Big Fat Lies



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you feeling like a failure now that the sugar rush has worn off and you are 8 days into 2021? What does failure have to do with you and what you are doing? Jennifer has a special place in her heart for those of you who are way too hard on themselves and crack the whip too often and too hard. In this very loving episode, Jennifer is going to offer real life pragmatic tools to replace that whip cracking bully inside your brain with something much more benevolent and beneficial. Join Jennifer live in the studio to participate, bring your pen and notebook and a sense of humour, Jennifer is going to evict your brain bully with a good dose of laughter at what we consider failure in today's society. Set your alarm for 1PM Pacific. ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 y