The Kathleen Riessen Show

The Connection Between Joy And Productivity ~ Kathleen Riessen



The Kathleen Riessen Show  The average employees performs at 64% of what's possible. What stands in the way? Joy. On e of the major predictors of fulfillment is enjoyment of the job and how they are led. Today's show explores how we identify what joy looks like for those around us so we can meet them where they are. This show is the fourth in a six episode series exploring the topic of joy. Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!   Kathleen’s Book: Joy in Uncertainty: A Guide to Creating a Meaningful Life Purchase on     *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Kathleen Riessen Show ~  As a former Certified Public Accountant turned marketing strategist turned serial entrepreneur, Kathleen has coached and consulted with over a thousand executives and entrepreneurs. What she’s learned is that the number one strategy to grow a business and create what you want in life lies in your ability to be vul