Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How to Be a Bad Bitch, for Good Girls



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How to be a Bad Bitch, for Good Girls Hello beautiful being, are you stressed out and suffering, worried about being a good girl when there’s really a raging Bad Bitch waiting to get free? Is stress over making nice with everyone and playing the good girl, leaving you exhausted and taking all the time you might be using to enjoy your personal life and family? What if being a Bad Bitch could be the key to true happiness for you and for them? ------- download Jennifer’s Overgiver Solution at --------- This week is an auspicious one to open the container and have a look at all the places and spaces where we fall on our own sword trying to make peace with people to our own detriment. I promise, by the end of this live show, you will have so many ways to unleash your inner Bad Bitch, embody her and have everyone snap to attention, and serve you as the goddess you really are. Allowing you to be a sexy, empowered role model instead of a doormat. But bewa