Mindset Toolkit Podcast

Lessons of the Day - Addressing Success



Topics: BiggerPockets Eric Barker - Success isn’t one size fits all - Intensifiers - qualities that are generally thought of as negative, but you can leverage to your advantage - Think of success as the alignment between your unique abilities and the environment that rewards them - The 3 P's: Personal, Pervasive & Permanent - Think in terms of small incremental improvements. Consistency is better than length of action over the long run. - It’s better to set up systems, rather than setting up goals. - Successful people had 4 metrics: Enjoying life, giving back, doing things important to those around them and they were achieving a goal - Can’t be overly focused on happiness - our expectations are not meant constantly over time - Ignoring negative emotions, might hide the ability for your to solve a problem. - All of our emotions are data points, and emotional agility is our ability to step back and analyze these emotions in order to truly evaluate how we are going in life Art of Manliness Dan John - L