Free Christian Audiobooks (aneko Press)

The Full Reward (Ch. 2) - The Lost Crown



God forbid that any of us should miss our crown at the great day of awards! God grant that we may receive a full reward! After the return of Christ for His church, there will be a great day of awards. Those who have been faithful will receive recognition at the hands of the Lord in the presence of the assembled hosts. Our reward will be in proportion to our faith and our faithfulness. Scripture tells us that one may be saved, yet be missing the peace and joy of God. After living such a life, one may be ushered into eternity just barely saved, as Paul puts it: so as through fire (1 Corinthians 3:15). This is not a very happy outlook, and God throws out danger signals all along the way so that we may turn aside from such mediocre living. Those who truly deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Christ will enter into God’s presence with fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). They will be welcomed with the shouts of angels and will be saluted with Well done, good and faithful servant by the Master Himself (Ma