Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - May 17, 2017



Inasmuch as Tim and Mike aspire to be cultured, the boys and girls from the Riverside Center for Education are the true makers of culture and bring their instrumental and singing talent to the Windy City Irish Radio studios ahead of their upcoming play, The Hedgerow. Featuring original songs, an expression of the bardic order and the intertwining of the mystical Keltori, The Hedgerow takes us back to the 1700's when Ireland was still suffering from the effects of conquest by Oliver Cromwell nearly a century prior. The British, in an attempt to subdue Ireland, outlawed education of Irish Catholics and forbade the teaching of the Irish language, culture, song and dance. The Irish people took to hiding and carried out schooling in barns, abandoned buildings, and behind the hedges. Join Tim and Mike as they host members of the cast and band of the Hedgerow. Also featuring music from We Banjo 3, Josh Dukes and Dylan Foley, Christy Moore, Planxty, Socks In The Frying Pan, The High Kings, and Roger McGuin