Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - January 9, 2022



In December we celebrated the birth of a the boy king but in January, we celebrate the birth of another King -- the undisputed King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Aaron Presley.  Born in Tupelo, MS, Elvis made his way to Memphis, TN where he made his new home and it's still the home of the King where thousands visit Graceland and pay homage to the King.  We too pay homage to the King of Rock and roll but we do it Windy City Irish Radio-style.  Elvis' contribution to music is unmeasurable and reached every corner of the world including his ancestral homeland where his great-great-great-great granddaddy emigrated from County Wicklow to the New Orleans after an incident where a bunch of Carlow roughens knocked him down, stepped on his face and maybe slandered his name all over the place but thankfully never stepped on his suede shoes.   Elvis loved the Irish and they, in turn, loved him.  In honor of the King's 87th birthday, we celebrate his musical legacy featuring music from singer songwriter and Iris