The Vedic World View

The Importance of Puja to Vedic Meditation



Few would argue that we often lack reverence in modern day-to-day living. Toasts are given and glasses are raised, often at the drop of a hat. Families might go for years without even sitting at the same table for a meal, let alone saying grace or giving thanks for a shared meal and loving company.One notable exception to this trend is the use of Puja when a student of Vedic Meditation receives their mantra. It’s a beautiful and important tradition that any committed teacher of Vedic Meditation takes seriously.In this episode, Thom explains the significance and purpose of Puja, and why we treat the process with the respect that it deserves, not just to honor the generations of masters that have kept the tradition alive, but also to honor the student, and to welcome them to what will likely be the most progressive step they will take in their evolution.Episode Highlights: [00:49] Touching On the State of Being[02:17] Puja - A Ceremony of Gratitude[03:58] The Troth of a Vedic Meditation Teacher[05:23] A Model o