The Vedic World View

The Relationship Between Trust and Charm



A lot of weight is put on the notion of having “trust” in our choices. And while many of us do so, we might find ourselves analyzing the results of our choices and debating whether the trust was warranted or not. The Vedic worldview has a different perspective on this, and finds trust to be an unreliable companion. In fact it’s the need for trust that leads to the need for it to be evaluated. The Vedic position is reminiscent of the lesson delivered from Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield in the Bhagavad Gita, “Established in Being, perform action.”Thom explains in this episode, the distinction between trust and charm. Charm being the tool available to Vedic meditators, that provides the impulse to take action without the need for trust, or even the need to analyze the results after the fact.It’s a subtle but essential distinction for those interested in accelerating their evolution. And if you’d like to reduce your dependence on trust and dig a little deeper into the subject, Thom’s course, The Art of Foll