Sober Cast: An (unofficial) Alcoholics Anonymous Podcast Aa

ESH: Robyn W from Chicago (LGBTQ)



Every now and then you hear a speaker in AA and for whatever reason what they said really resonates with you and makes an impression that stays with you for forever, this guy is one of those folks for me. I only heard him speak live once at an AA Roundup in San Francisco "around" 1986 (give or take a year or 2).  Last year I reposted the one speak I had from him and shortly after I got an email offering me this recording from 2004 and they were kind enough to mail me the cd so I could rip it for you. I have had this for almost a year and the last day of pride month seems like the perfect time to post it. This is Robyn W from Chicago speaking at an All Timers Dinner held in Niles Illinois at the end of September of 2004. LGBTQ Email: Support Sober Cast: Next AA Event: If you are in the Pennsylvania area July 14th, The Annual Pennsylvania State Convention of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous will feature speakers, panels, workshops, fellowship events and fu