Homers Leadership Podcast

26: How To Present Yourself As A Leader



Big thought:  An important aspect of leadership is recognizing how others perceive you. You should actually care about how others see you (to some extent) because, to some degree, it reflects your leadership. Today, we are going to talk about how to build part of your personality and rapport as a leader. We are going to talk about how to balance being authentic while still being gracious, we are going to unpack how to take responsibility without always taking the fall, and finally, we’re going to talk about how to be confident while still being humble. 1. Please use discretion. A lot of people think that in order to be “real” you have to be rude. It’s simply not true. Learning discretion is pivotal if you want to become a leader that people can have respect for. This also goes hand in hand with learning how to say what you want to say in a way that is appropriate. It requires you to really think before you speak, but the more that you practice this kind of discretion, the quicker and better you will get at i