Food Afield With John Schneider

Backcountry Fly Fishing Tombstone Lake



Four Days and Fifty-Five Kilometers on foot! This episode of the Food Afield Podcast finds us hiking far into the Canadian Rockies. We are fly fishing Tombstone Lake for Cutthroat Trout. But first, we need to get there! The packs are heavy and the trail is long, but the joy and laughter that Kevin, Melissa, May and I share make the loads lighter. We finally reach the lakes high in the backcountry and find one of them stuffed full of hungry trout. It does take a little effort though to catch our supper, however. Four days and fifty-five kilometers later, we reach the trailhead and are back at our vehicles, but there's a problem, the Kickstarter on my vintage motorcycle is broken. The last segment of the episode finds us at camp on the second leg of our fly-fishing journey. You find out how we get the bike started and we recap the hike and fill in a lot of the details from this grand adventure. With the hiking behind us, our spirits are high, our sense of accomplishment palpable. It is a fun discussion! Vi