Food Afield With John Schneider

Randy Cooling Tradbow Accuracy - Traditional Bowhunter's Journey



For those who don't know, Randy Cooling is a hyper-accomplished bowhunter who has traveled the world with his traditional bow in hand. It is difficult to imagine someone who is more dedicated to barebow shooting techniques. This episode is full of tips and tricks to break down your archery form and function. From there, with some advice from Randy, I suspect that anyone could improve their accuracy with the recurve or longbow. Randy is careful to communicate that there are many ways to accomplish a high level of competency with traditional archery gear and never comes close to saying that his way is the best way. But, I can admit that I will be approaching my practice sessions with a lot more diligence and care from now on with his advice.That is the beauty of this pastime. After all of the decades that I've carried a bow, I can easily learn new ways that add to the challenge and enjoyment of archery.Welcome to the first episode of the Traditional Bowhunter's Journey. Brought to you by The Trad