Institute Of Welsh Affairs

August 2018: IWA Eisteddfod lecture: Wales' Media Future: How can we ensure the sustainability of indigenous content production in Wales?



Monday 6th August, Senedd, Cardiff There’s been much to celebrate in Welsh media in recent years: from the success of prominent dramas such as Dr Who and Keeping Faith / Yr Bore Mercher, to new production studios, increased viewing figures and a rise in online and community journalism. There have also been a number of challenges, not least the effects of global trends in consumption and viewing habits on traditional forms of media. This discussion considered how sustainable indigenous content production is here in Wales. How can we ensure content continues to be produced and its benefits felt in Wales? What does this mean for the workforce of today and the future? Can content production in Wales survive in a global media landscape without compromising delivery to audiences at home? This event was chaired by Elis Owen, Freelance Producer and Chairman of It's My Shout training scheme. He was joined by: Emma Meese, Media & Training Development Manager, JOMEC, Cardiff University Ifan Morgan J