Institute Of Welsh Affairs

February 2019: IWA Cardiff Media Summit 2019 - morning sessions



This is the audio recording of the morning sessions of the IWA Cardiff Media Summit 2019, which was held in the Radisson Blu hotel in Cardiff on 21st February 2019. Sessions run as follows: * Introduction to event /Cyflwyniad i'r digwyddiad  - Auriol Miller, Director, IWA * "The Future of News in Wales"/ "Dyfodol Newyddion yng Nghymru"  - Rhodri Talfan Davies, Director, BBC Cymru Wales  - Chair: Carolyn Hitt, Producer, Parasol Media (includes Q&A session) * "Listening & learning from the audience” / "Gwrando a dysgu gan y gynulleidfa - Simon Scholes, Controller of Audiences (Studios), ITV - Chair: Jonathan Hill, Presenter, ITV (includes Q&A session) * "2 Years On - where are we now?" / "Dwy Flynedd yn Ddiweddarach - ble ydyn ni nawr?" - Claire Enders, Founder, Enders Analysis - Chair: Adrian Jones, Head of Production, Orchard Media (includes Q&A session) * "Total media: how do public institutions and media interplay in our new