Lifechurch Ia

The Holy Spirit is Supernatural | Wind and Fire | Rich Greene



Because the Holy Spirit is often characterized as wind and fire we often feel like we cannot control it therefore we must make it understandable and comprehensible. We are often tempted to downgrade our theology when it comes to the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit is SUPERNATURAL, so the invitation of scripture is to upgrade our experience instead of downgrading our theology. Series Description In John 14 Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit as an Advocate and Counselor. The Holy Spirit will never leave us. In a world that is plagued with confusion, lostness, and isolation we, followers of Jesus Christ, have the Holy Spirit. When we are confused He gives wisdom, when we are lost He gives lighted direction. When we are alone he is ever present. Jesus invites to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Do you? Join us live in Cedar Rapids, Coralville, or Wilton, Iowa. Or watch online each Sunday morning. Visit for specific times. YouTube: