Stuff You Missed In History Class

Mrs. Patrick Campbell



Mrs. Patrick Campbell was a hugely famous actress in the early 20th century, though she hasn’t really retained her iconic status. She quickly had a reputation as a stage diva with a sharp tongue, and originated one of the most beloved characters of the stage and screen. Research: Campbell, Mrs. Patrick. “My Life and Some Letters.” New York. Dodd, Mead. 1922. Accessed online: Sudermann, Hermann. “Magda.” Lamson, Wolffe and Company. New York. 1895. Accessed online: Woods, Leigh. “’The Golden Calf’: Noted English Actresses in American Vaudeville, 1904-1916.” Journal of American Culture. 1992. Aston, Elaine. “Campbell [née Tanner], Beatrice Stella [performing name Mrs Patrick Campbell].” Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Jan. 3, 2008. Whitaker, Alma.