Moody Presents

2023-05-27 Keeping Focused in the Midst of Distraction part 2



Welcome to MOODY PRESENTS with Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. Today- practical, boots on the ground instruction for keeping focused in the midst of distraction. That’s the title of the current message… and Pastor Mark wraps up his thoughts on the subject in part 2 of the teaching coming up. We’re in a heck of a long study of Nehemiah and how he was able to stay on task in the rebuilding effort God had called him to… and there’s a lot we can learn from his example. Remember, if you’ve missed any broadcast in our “Rebuild” series, you can always find us at MoodyPresents dot ORG to listen again. That’s MoodyPresents dot ORG. Back to the teaching and part 2 of Keeping Focused in the Midst of Distraction. Here’s Mark Jobe with today’s MOODY PRESENTS.See for privacy information.