Kyle Meredith With...

Arnold Schwarzenegger on His First TV Series & the 80s Action Heroes



Arnold Schwarzenegger joins Kyle Meredith to talk about his new Netflix series, Fubar, as well as the three-part documentary Arnold, that’s set to follow. The legendary actor tells us why Fubar, a story about a father and daughter keeping their lives as CIA agents secret from each other, is his first time doing a television series. He also touches on why now is the time for a True Lies TV adaptation, and why he thinks Conan and Twins should come next.Schwarzenegger goes on to talk about how Ronald Regan’s presidency and era opened the door for Arnold’s type of action hero, why he thinks the press during Bill Clinton’s era tried to quash it, and why the man behind Pumping Iron, Terminator, and Twins doesn’t need a song to help him get pumped up.Listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger chat about all this and more in the new episode or watch via YouTube. Please take the time to like, review, and subscribe to KMW wherever you get your podcasts, and keep up to date with all our series by following the Consequence Podcast