Malcolm Cox

S2: 1 Thessalonians | Introduction | The Model Church



1 Thessalonians Series  We are making Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians our focus at the start of this year. What will we learn? Only the Spirit knows, but we shall explore the church in Thessalonica, the character and heart of the apostle Paul, and, most importantly, God himself. We are looking at a letter jam-packed with references to God, Father, Jesus, Christ, Lord and Holy Spirit - a total of 97 mentions in 89 verses. While it is true that we will learn practical aids to our Christian lives, we will, more significantly, learn a great deal about our Heavenly Father.  This class is an introduction to the church in Thessalonica with information on its location, founding, economics and archaeology. Subscribe to the Thames Valley podcast feed and YouTube channel to make sure you do not miss the daily devotionals based on 1 Thessalonians as well as the teaching classes. Please add your comments on this week’s topic. We learn best when we learn in community.  Do you have a question about teaching the Bibl