Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep292: Tuesday Teaching Tips | Episode 292 | “How can we develop a healthy teaching culture in our church?” | Malcolm Cox



Introduction Last week I posted on lesson length. A YouTube correspondent asked: “What I find difficult is that there a few people in our church averse to teaching - I'm not speaking of boring facts and dates just lessons that have a bit more background or context than most. And they happen to be in the upper leadership and therefore have an influence on who gets to do the lessons and how often. So, where as a super majority of the church enjoy and find meaning in the lesson, these folks do not. What to do here?” I asked him for more information and he said: I did a lesson called “The Heart to Learn” (audio available) where I communicated that all disciples need to be learning, but that there is a spectrum of those who are heart-driven to those who are mind-driven. Ala 1Cor 12 the body needs its parts and those who may not enjoy teaching as much need to be loving towards those who require it and who would otherwise starve. I guess the lesson didn’t work because, while it was well received, no lasting cha