Malcolm Cox

S2: "Delighting in one another" | 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 | Malcolm Cox



A sermon for the Watford church of Christ Delighting in one another : Who or what do we delight in? Let’s see what we can learn from this passage….. '...distress (anankē) being basically ‘the choking, pressing care’, and persecution (thlipsis) ‘the crushing trouble’ (Lightfoot).' Tyndale As if his life has been on hold until this news arrived. In a time without rapid communication it must have been hard to be in the dark for so long. ‘night and day’: He works night and day 1 Thessalonians 2:9 and he prays night and day.  ' gets the impression of a man struggling to put into words a feeling too deep for words.' Tyndale ‘come to you’: His heart is to be with them. He wants relationship, not just communication. Email and other messaging can never substitute for presence. Let us never be content with virtual presence. Timothy's visit has encouraged him, but it has not satiated his desire to be with them in person. Faith, love - connection with holiness QUESTION: What are some of the reasons we can and s