Obligatory Podcast With Kermit & Myke

Episode 45: That's my Tree, Bitch!



On this episode: Holidays under attack?!?! The boys discuss and analyze two time-honored Christmas Classics; "Baby It's Cold Outside" and "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer". MYKE goes over his AMERICA'S GOT TALENT audition and spreads holiday cheer while shopping for a CHRISTMAS TREE. The boys recap their recent shows at BONKERZ COMEDY CLUB in SANFORD. KEVIN HART, homophobic? WHAC-A-MOLE. SEE US LIVE! 12/17 KEN MILLER'S 7TH ANNUAL TOY DRIVE  at THE OTHER BAR, ORLANDO FL 9PM 12/23 ROAST OF SANTA FOR CHARITY  at THE ORLANDO IMPROV, ORLANDO FL 6PM