Angel Invest Boston

Vivek Ganesh and Jay Shah - Controlling Epilepsy



Sponsored by Peter Fasse, Patent Attorney at Fish & Richardson: Sal's Syndicate List: Click to Join 4,000 people per year die in the US from uncontrolled epilepsy, many of them young. Vivek Ganesh and Jay Shah started Neurava to build sensors and algorithms to prevent such deaths. Here’s my chat with these doctoral candidates from Purdue trying to bring their tech from the lab to the market. Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Vivek Ganesh and Jay Shah of Neurava “looking to develop a wearable device for epilepsy patients at risk for sudden unexpected death” The 40% of Epilepsy Patients with Uncontrolled Epilepsy Are at Risk of Sudden Death People Who Die from Uncontrolled Epilepsy Tend to Be Young The Neurava Algorithm and Device Are Meant to Detect SUDEP as It’s Occurring So the Patient Can Get Help Neurava Has Top Advisors on the Technology and on the Clinical Aspects Neurava Is Hoping to Test Its Devices on Patients at Epilepsy Monitoring Units Patients Whose Epile