Conversations With Cinthia

How Much Does Your Pleasure Cost You and Others?



Are you willing to pursue virtue, or do you think of it as costing too much?  Pleasure has a price, too, one that is sometimes worth paying and sometimes not.  Pleasure is often an attempt to mitigate pain, but sometimes the price of pleasure is more pain for us and others.  How much is your pleasure costing you?  Your loved ones?  Your community and society?  Cinthia explains, “Pain is real.  Pain management, when done morally, is the best antidote and possible cure for pain… in this world.  Pleasure, however, most often masquerades as giving you positive feelings.  It seems to give you rest and relaxation and fun, but it always has a price.”  Pursuing pleasure is different than simply enjoying it as a by-product of pursuing what is good.  The single-minded pursuit of pleasure is a dangerous road, a slow burn, one that often costs us the best things in life.  We often think about the costs of our pleasure-seeking in our own lives, but we often do not consider the costs to others.  Good character understands