Robin Jackson

Stan Lee, Comic Books and The Watchtower



Comic books were my escape. As a child I could not wait to get my hands on the next issue of Spiderman, The Fantastic Four, Superman, Batman etc. The stories fueled my imagination and creativity. I had an extensive comic book collection which I now regret destroying and giving away.The reason was because the Watchtower did not look upon comic books to favourably. When I was 13 years old and got baptised an article about comic books appeared in the Awake magazine. The Awake magazine of 22nd of June 1983 featured an article under the heading: What Has Happened to Comic Books? It goes on to describe the gratuitous violence, sexual innuendo and obsession with the occult. I acknowledge that we have to be selective in what we as parents expose our young children to when it comes to reading material, TV shows and movies etc. But the Watchtower is being totally hypocritical here when it comes to their condemnation of violence in comic books.#StanLee #ComicBooks #Watchower