Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep412: Quiet Time Coaching Episode 412 | “God The Constant Bird Feeder” | Malcolm Cox



Introduction My father gave me a birdfeeder for my birthday. It's one of those that you stick on to a window using suction cups. That way the birds come up close and you can eyeball them. I was warned that it might take some time for the birds to get used to the feeder. However, I was not prepared for the fact that it has taken two months before the first bird appeared. Every few days I change the bird food because it was getting damp and mouldy. I don't know how much money I spent on the bird food that I have to keep throwing onto the ground. I was frustrated, and faintly angry towards those ungrateful birds. Eventually, a pigeon found its way onto the feeder. You will see one of the first birds in the photograph on the website and attached to the podcast. It looks faintly ridiculous because it's not really the right sized bird for that feeder. However, I appreciate it's resourcefulness.  The Text “The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you w