Bringing Design Closer With Gerry Scullion

Dr. Lucretia Berry 'Many Hues. One Humanity.'



Did you know, we launched the Doing Design Festival on January 29 2021? Hello and welcome to another episode of Bringing Design Closer. My name is Gerry Scullion, and I’m a service designer, and founder of This is HCD and CEO of This is Doing - we provide live online design and innovation classes, providing training for service designers, design researchers, product managers, user experience designers, content designers and much more. Today on the show, we have Dr Lucretia Berry, Co-Founder of Brownicity, an organisation based in the US that is dedicated to advocacy and education and support for racial healing and antiracism. I absolutely adored their hero statement on their website when I first saw it, it says ‘many hues, one humanity’ so was extremely excited to finally get to speak with Lucretia. We speak about racism in-depth, where it comes from, what privilege looks like, and also discuss why African American children are 5 x more likely to drown in US swimming pools. A fact that blows my mind.  Lu