Chris Collins Show

EPISODE 1413: Producer/Director, Bonnie Bruderer INFLUENCER



Binge Network CEO Bonnie Bruderer director of the documentary film Influencer joins JUST TALKING to discuss how millennials made millions of dollars with an iPhone. Social media has created a platform where just about anyone can fashion themselves as an influencer—BUT what does a millennial really know? Are they just a cheaper mouthpiece? Advertising is everything! Without advertising a product can die with the snap of a finger. 24-7 constant branding on social media means also being vulnerable to negative criticism, hurtful insults, lack of privacy and the worst of all trending fates—getting fizzled. Having a huge following is great for the brand but can humans process all these opinions? Influencers VS celebrities. Who do you go with? Who do you trust? Have tech companies created a virtual gladiator stadium and we the audience demand drama on the high court—WAIT are we the problem? Feelings not facts. Can an influencer push a brand for the money and simultaneously be guided by their moral compass? Weaponizi