Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep306: Tuesday Teaching Tip 306 | The Beatitudes and Effective Communication: Lessons for Preachers and Teachers | “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs in the kingdom of heaven” | Malcolm Cox



Introduction What would it be like to preach and teach through the filter of the beatitudes? What would the impact be on us as speakers and our congregations as listeners? Today, we will look at the first of the beatitudes: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3 NIV11) 1. The Meaning in the context of the Gospel     - The kingdom is a key theme in Matthew. “In Matthew it is John the Baptist who first announces the coming of the kingdom of heaven', but Jesus takes the theme up in his preaching, in the sermon on the mount, in parables and elsewhere. The kingdom is the treasure beyond price, the pearl surpassing all others (13:44-46). It is what prophets and righteous men have been longing for: the day of salvation, the time when God's promises are fulfilled (13:16, 17). It is a time when moral compromises will no longer be appropriate (Matt. 5). It is thus in a real sense 'eschatological', when 'this age' will come to an end and God will rule perfectly. For Matthew