It's Erik Nagel

Ep 270: A Below Deck Viking Funeral



'IT'S ERIK NAGEL'  Cold Open / Intro SEGMENT 01 [02:20] Facebook issues. Arnold Palmers. Instagram changes will screw up influencers. Your social media activities. The Impeachment Trial, does anyone care? Superbowl LIV: it's the worst game, betting, and ads.  SEGMENT 02 [1:18:04] Box Office update. Movie news. Streaming updates. Trevor loves 'Below Deck'. Xia watches 'Live PD' & 'Cops'. Bad reality TV. TV updates. 'Doctor Who'.   HEAR 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL' ON: IHEARTRADIO | SPOTIFY | APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PODCAST | STITCHER | PANDORA | YOUTUBE FOLLOW 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL': TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | WEBSITE