It's Erik Nagel

Ep 272: John Rule



'IT'S ERIK NAGEL'  Cold Open / Intro SEGMENT 01 [03:53] Valentine's Day plans. Never do "Free Continental Breakfasts". Cracker Barrel. Keto diet. Trevor on 'Would You Kindly'. *SPOILERS* Netflix 'The Circle'. The right way to make sandwiches.  SEGMENT 02 [1:25:46] Box Office update. 'Clue' remake. Your top hottest actresses. The return of Rick Moranis. New 'Might Ducks' movie. TV/Streaming Updates.  HEAR 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL' ON: IHEARTRADIO | SPOTIFY | APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PODCAST | STITCHER | PANDORA | YOUTUBE FOLLOW 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL': TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | WEBSITE