It's Erik Nagel

Ep 277: They Look Like Boobs



'IT'S ERIK NAGEL'  Cold Open / Intro SEGMENT 01 [03:02] Still with the Coronavirus: Celebrities sing 'Imagine'. Celebrities really need to shut up. Supermarkets. Colleges & schools done for the year. How does this all end? Food hoarding.  SEGMENT 02 [1:22:33] Final Box Office update? New releases moving to digital release. 'Cats' Butt Hole Edition controversy. The "Running Butthole" challenge. Streaming services updates. Marvel's 'New Warriors' SJW characters. Twitch user threatens to spread Coronavirus.   BONUS TIME [2:02:19] HEAR 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL' ON: IHEARTRADIO | SPOTIFY | APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PODCAST | STITCHER | PANDORA | YOUTUBE FOLLOW 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL': TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | WEBSITE